Pointsoft Table Service

Unmatched flexibility makes Pointsoft Table Service an instant winner!
Features highlight:

  • Drag and Drop graphical floor plan
  • Maximum flexibility
  • Language Independent
  • Multi-lingual
  • OPOS Compliant
  • Parameter driven
  • Internet-based on-line frequent diner program
  • Multiple kitchen order routing
  • Extensive reports

Graphical Floor Plan

Our unique “drag and drop” graphical table layout is leading the industry by years. Not only is this feature easy to setup, it actually reduces operator error by making table selection intuitive. Instead of painstakingly defining “components” (things like partitions, doors) on screen that requires the skills of expensive programmers, Pointsoft make use of JPEG graphics files, scanned or imported directly from CAD software, to put your very own floor plan on screen, in minutes.Tables can also be re-sized, re-shaped, and re-located with the touch of a finger. Colors are used to show different table status at a glance.

Maximum Flexibility

Touch screens are not fixed size “grids” like older generation touch POS; you can re-position and re-size screen components in 1 pixel intervals. This enables you to create the screen configuration that best fit your unique requirements.You can even design your own color scheme to match the “mood” of your restaurant! (Point mouse over the screen shot to see a sample.)

Language Independent

All text can be dynamically substituted from an external language file at run time. This powerful feature enables Pointsoft POS to change to an entirely different language in a matter of hours. (Current available Asian languages are: Japanese, Korea, Standard and Simplified Chinese.) The same feature can also be used for localizing the terms used.


Pointsoft POS can be setup to use two languages at the same time. Take for example in a Japanese restaurant where the chef reads only Japanese. It is possible to have orders entered in English, then print out at the kitchen in Japanese. Guest checks, and even reports, can be produced in either language.

OPOS Compliant

Pointsoft is OPOS compliant to ensure hardware independence. POS printers, Customer Display Poles, and cash drawers can all be driven by industry standard device drivers.

Parameter Driven

User definable options include screen colors, fonts, and operating details like service charge, discount before or after service charge, four types of rounding, GST/VAT handling, access control, hiding/displaying of function keys, which reports to automatically generate during End of Day… In short, we put you in complete control.

Extensive Reports

Over 130 standard front-of-house and back-office reports