Pointsoft Quick Service

We understand how important SOS (Speed of Service) is to quick service establishments. We know software must be easy to learn, easy to use, and easy to maintain. You’ll see that our screens, controls, reports, documentation, and even our support and sales staff all show a real understanding of your business.

Pointsoft QuickService solutions is capable of handling very large transaction volumes with ease. It is chosen by industry leaders including Burger King, KFC, McDonald’s, and Starbucks. Read on to find out why.
Features highlight:

  • Network resilient
  • Dual screen capabilities
  • Line busting with mobile technology
  • Automatic assign till
  • Drawer Control
  • Combo Meal control
  • SOS Monitoring
  • Cash Management
  • Multi-level void controls
  • Dual drawer capabilities
  • Mark out (wastage) control
  • Standing (Bar tab) module for bars & pubs

Network Resilient

Automatic fall back to stand-alone operation if network fails. 100% automatic data synchronization when network is back. There is no single-point-of-failure in Pointsoft QuickService system.

Dual Screen

Pointsoft QuickService supports dual screens. One-third of the second screen (facing customer) can be setup to display order details, so customers know if the operator had entered their orders correctly, and exactly how much to pay. The remaining two third plays full multimedia MPEG movies and JPEG promotional posters. (Screen proportion is, again, user-definable.)

With dual screen enabled, Pointsoft QuickService offers not only a powerful POS system but also the ability to promote in store items, interactive ordering, cross selling, up selling, or to generate additional revenue by selling the second screen advertising space to third parties wishing to promote their own products. Using advanced media scheduling software with targeted “one-to-one” advertising, Pointsoft QuickService offers the opportunity of precision marketing at point of decision.

Line Busting

The concept of using handheld devices for mobile point of sale has its own name: line busting. Handheld line busting gives you the ability to ring up a customer while they are waiting in line. Pointsoft empowers quick service operators with wireless handheld technology to streamline point of sale operations, enhance customer experience, and improve the bottom line. Our clients have reported as much as 25% increase in sales in one Sunday afternoon alone.

Automatic Till Assign

Only crews with till assigned will have access to POS – eliminating cash control problems common in quick service environment. Assign Till function is also an automatic process, saving store manager great deal of time. Other features like disallowing transaction when drawer is open improves the overall cash control.

Drawer Control

System is able to detect drawer closing and automatically refresh screen for the next transaction – crews don’t even have to press the OK key; close the drawer after giving change and be ready to greet the next customer.

The best Combo Meal control

Pointsoft QuickService is designed specifically for, well, Quick Service. It has many time-saving and fool-proof features not found anywhere else. It features the best Combo Meal control ever – it is not only easy to define Combos, our Smart Selection feature eliminates operator mistakes and makes it a breeze to train new crews.

SOS Monitoring

Two separate SOS timers monitor crew performance – Order Taking Time and Food Packing / Tendering Time. On-line reports are available to show individual crew performance, by terminal, or entire outlet’s average service time.

Cash Management

Effective cash management and controls are an integral part of the system. Detail cash audits are maintained for each individual crew and POS terminal.

Multi-level Void Control

Crew voiding privilege can be limited to before accepting payment, restricted to the last item only, any one item, or no voiding at all. Up to 99 void reasons can be pre-defined. System logs and reports Manager Voids and Crew Voids, in item count and in dollar amount.

Dual Drawers

We support two individually controlled drawers per POS.

Mark Out

Control your floor-level wastage with our Mark Out features. Up to 99 different mark outs (e.g. Restaurant, Retail, Sampling) can be defined and recorded real time. (Ingredient wastage is available in the back office Quick Inventory module.)