Pointsoft Labour Scheduler

Pointsoft Labour Scheduler is an innovative tool for effective management of your work force. It analyses the outlet’s sales history vs. crew clocking records, then produce reports to show the average labor used, for every position, and for every hour of the week.

Once sales projections are entered, Labor Scheduler automatically even out the projected sales into each day, and suggests the optimal work force requirements of each position.

A personal calendar of each crew is maintened to record requested day offs. On screen bar charts assist managers to visually seeing which crews are scheduled, and how many more are needed for the shift. Once scheduling is completed, bar charts can be printed to show the in and out times of every crew.

Features highlight:

  • 8 weeks historic sales and labor clocking records – remove highest and lowest, then use remaining 6 weeks for average
  • Calculate day-by-day hourly labor requirement by positions
  • Automatic suggest number of managers, cashiers, waiters, and delivery drivers needed based on historic average and sales projection
  • Holiday calendar as well as personal calendar of individual employees
  • Easily setup rosters by position
  • Graphical representation of employee schedules