Pointsoft Quick Inventory

Pointsoft Quick Inventory (PSI.NET) is a tremendous tool for inventory, recipe, food costing, and purchasing. It is simple, effective, and gets the job done without the cost and complexity of full scale inventory systems.

PSI.NET is an XML application developed using the latest Microsoft .NET framework. It is integrated with our front-end POS system through an SQL Data Engine.

Features highlight:

  • Determine actual and ideal ingredient costs
  • Calculate food costs on-the-fly when defining recipe
  • Unlimited nesting of sub-recipe
  • Unlimited suppliers per item
  • One of the best user interface in the industry – intuitive and very easy to use.
  • Food costs update automatically when ingredient costs change
  • Support Standard cost, Weighted average cost, FIFO, and FILO
  • Identify and suggest re-ordering of low-stock ingredients
  • Issue, and keep track of Purchase Orders to suppliers
  • Invoice reconciliation and PO matching
  • Generate detail stock movement and standard usage reports
  • Pinpoint theft, waste & over-portioning
  • Determine actual and ideal ingredient costs

Menu engineering reports:

Identifies product winners and losers

Reports to classify products into four groups (high volume & high margin; high volume but low margin; low volume but high volume; low volume & low margin)